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Meet Immich, the backup solution for your photos and videos

Saving your most precious memories can't get any easier!

Chris George

...and arguably the world's best alternative to iCloud and Google Photos!

What Alex started as a small passion project, to help his wife stop paying so much money saving photos of their newborn, turned into one of the most powerful open-source tools.

Open-source means that the code of a software or project is made freely available for anyone to view, use, and modify. It allows people to work together and improve the project for the benefit of everyone.

The inspiration

When I was a kid, my dad always nagged me to take as many photos as possible when around the people I love. Capturing those photos became easy; the difficult part was – as you might have guessed – storing those memories somewhere.

There's a plethora of cloud services you can use to save your photos and videos, but never at a reasonable price. Not to mention, how can you be sure your data is safe with those platforms, no matter how much security they claim to have?

Why Immich matters

In a recent news article from the New York Times, Columnist Zeynep Tufekci said it best:

Companies expect users to accept what they’re given, not know their options or not have the constant vigilance required to keep track of the available options, however limited they may be.

Also, did you hear about Google's recent class action lawsuit? Or Apple's ongoing issue with passcode thieves?

I think you get the gist. Data privacy is important. The convenience factor these large companies are providing you isn't worth it.

The good news

Starting today, Immich is now exclusively available to you. It took a while for me to confidently release it because I wanted to make sure it was set up in the best way possible, mitigating the shortcomings of the big dogs and still following principles like:

✅ Storing your photos and videos should be effortless.

✅ Your memories are kept safe. This is why Nilous is now paired with Backblaze, a secondary cloud storage dedicated to redundancy and practicing what I preach: having a backup to a backup.

✅ Accessible anywhere at any time, making it easy to share memories with friends and family.

✅ Photos and videos are saved in the original resolution they were taken in.

✅ Storage is expandable.

... and so much more!

How do I get started using Immich?

Visit the docs to begin setting up your device. Connection to the VPN is not required at this time.

Roll the credits

A special thank you to those who have financially supported this project through Nyoma. Without you, The Nilous Project would not exist.

And a heartwarming thank you to those who continue to believe in me and make time for my untested and often obnoxious ideas.

p.s. Have $10 to spare a month? Kindly consider subscribing, which will allow me to continue making and sharing amazing apps like Immich and reduce carbon emissions from our atmosphere.