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An introduction is in order

I'll keep it short and sweet.


In 2019, I embarked on a journey to find and create tools to make the lives of the people around me easier. After four years of research and development, I founded Nyoma, my first business, enabling me to connect with those who wanted to share their passions, creations, dreams, and everything else in between.

Today, Nyoma has inspired over 20 entities to continue doing their best work. They focus on their customers, and I handle the small stuff that makes a big impact. Websites, booking software, apps, email campaigns— you name it! I’ve learned so much, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Business aside, Nyoma also served as a platform for friends and family. It hosted a variety of personal apps meant as a gift to my close ones, helping to lower everyday costs and hassles. After all, I wouldn’t be where I am today without my support system. However, I kept getting caught up with tasks from my clients, and I didn’t dedicate enough time to Nyoma’s personal side. So, I set out to create a new project to solve that problem.

The Nilous Project

I'm so excited to share with you this project. Think of Nilous exactly like Nyoma. Instead of being a public platform for businesses, Nilous is a private platform for the people I care about the most. Through it, you'll find curated apps, websites, and other tools meant to make your lives easier, more affordable, and less stressful.

Take Immich (pronounced "image"), for example, that can help preserve your photos and videos just like iCloud and Google Photos founded by Alex Tran. Or Jellyfin, a powerful media streaming service that is just as good, if not better, than Netflix! Nilous also includes an AI resume builder by Amruth Pillai, a jam-packed PDF editor, curated news feeder, password manager from Bitwarden, and so much more!

Nilous is designed to capture the best traits of large companies while leaving the miscellaneous stuff behind. It's privacy-focused, securely backed up by Backblaze, and, most importantly, it allows me to stay connected with you in this lifetime.

Where does the name "Nilous" come from?

I rarely read books. I'm a big fan of this one though. It's called The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows by John Koenig.

It's on sale right now!

Koenig spent 7 years creating words that cast light into lonely corners of the human experience. If you've ever encountered a situation you wished had a word to describe it, you'll find it in this book. If you have 7 minutes to spare, watch the author's TED Talk to learn more about his story.

Nilous is defined as:
adj. anxious to imagine how many times you must’ve barely avoided catastrophe—the morning you missed the bus that later went on to crash, the day you stayed onshore when it was a bit too rough out there—which makes it feel like something of a fluke that you’ve survived this long, as if you’re on an unbroken streak of coin flips, heads after heads after heads, wondering when your luck is going to run out.

Let's begin

Now that you're acquainted, the fun part begins! Head over to the docs to get set up. Otherwise, you can visit the blog to learn about what I've been up to.
